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    Gainsborough Bristle® Round Size 3


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    Gainsborough Bristle®
    Round Size 3 SKU – 1271R.3 Size – 3 Round: Shorter hair than a liner, rounds come in a wider variety of sizes from very fine to extra large. Smaller sizes are typically used for detail work and larger sizes tend to be used for washes and filling in color. A round brush stroke is tapered and can create lines that are fine to thick. The round has less versatility than the flatter brushes.


    Gainsborough Bristle®
    Round Size 3 SKU – 1271R.3 Size – 3 Round: Shorter hair than a liner, rounds come in a wider variety of sizes from very fine to extra large. Smaller sizes are typically used for detail work and larger sizes tend to be used for washes and filling in color. A round brush stroke is tapered and can create lines that are fine to thick. The round has less versatility than the flatter brushes.